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Looking for Adjustable Height Computer Desks for Sale Online in Australia?

Working in an office or at home in a job that requires you sit in front of a computer for the majority of the 8 hours you put in can be exhausting. Once you leave school and enter the working world, it becomes evident over time that your body is changing as you get older and those long days in the office are taking a toll on your body. You might have great intentions to do something about that gut you’ve noticed developing, but between the commute and everything else, it keeps getting pushed back.

The Benefits of Adjustable Height Computer Desk

An adjustable height computer desk may, however, prove to be the difference between feeling wrecked and lethargic as the day passes and feeling energised and focused throughout the day.

The working world is quickly becoming more and more versed in ergonomics and the importance of tailored office furniture solutions that meet the physical needs of employees.

As such, at, we have expanded our range to include ergonomic designs and efficient ergonomic workstations that can be accessed at the lowest wholesale prices online, guaranteed.

Over the last 25 years, 250,000 customers have trusted us with their office furniture orders, choosing our cutting-edge designs, 10-year warranties, and the availability of free delivery anywhere in Australia over everyone else in the market. We believe in modern systems and solutions for the modern business world, and develop our own processes and procedures with a sustainable future in mind.

Stand up, sit down – you choose with an Adjustable Height Desk

If you’re an office manager seeking out new desks for a floor of employees or are an entrepreneur working from home, a sit-stand desk is something that is definitely worth researching given that it has so many positives associated with it.

In work terms, those who have the option to choose between sitting and standing are in control of how best they believe they work. Some prefer to sit for certain tasks, while others find that their focus is much sharper when they are on their feet.

In terms of health, however, this is where things get a little more interesting. The American Journal of Preventative Medicine published the results of a survey in 2015, which indicated that reducing sitting time can have a positive impact on staving off premature death as a result of the increase in physical activity.

This is particularly possible when a person exercises in tandem with using a standing desk or alternating between sitting and standing throughout the workday.

A natural knock-on effect of this increased activity is the possibility of reduced blood sugar and lower cholesterol levels, which in turn reduces the risk of heart disease.

A rounded approach to a healthier workplace

The benefits of moving throughout the day are undeniable, however, it is worth noting that a desk is not a fix-all solution to the sedentary lives we now lead. A sit-stand desk is an important part of moving toward a healthier you and one that can lead to increased productivity.

At we believe in giving employers and individuals the right to choose and as such provide products that can complement their efforts to find a mode of working that best suits them.

So, browse through the options and if you’re unsure what you find will suit you, ask us for a 30-day risk-free trial and we’ll get a trial product out that you can test. We look forward to your order.

Why Buy A Height Adjustable Desk From

Height adjustable office desks offer you both the comfort of a standard height desk with the added ability to turn it into a standing desk at the push of a button. Our featured Altex 100 desk is available in a variety of sizes & colours with the option of a straight or corner desk style. Sit-stand desks have been proven to increase productivity while offering the ultimate active ergonomic solution in the workplace. Height adjustable office desks do exactly what they say, if you are still looking for a desk that is completely customisable when it comes to height, then a height adjustable desk is just what you are after. Available in both manual and electric, this range of desks have been proven to lower fatigue and improve health when it comes to jobs that require a lot of desk time. Great for shared office spaces and hot-desking, you can customise the height of your office workspace throughout the day or just keep it consistent once you find the perfect height. Height adjustable desks enable your workforce to work in pure comfort and will enable your office space to have the flexibility to transform itself into a truly dynamic working environment. Want to order in bulk or need to discuss your options in more depth, give us a call on 1300 313 495 and one of our furniture experts can help you today!

Could You Benefit From A Stand Up Desk?

If you find yourself in a seated position for most of your working day, then the answer is yes. At Buy Direct Online we understand the importance of adapting the work environment to the health needs of employers and employees. The benefits often go unnoticed, but we believe they should never be ignored.

The Threat Of Back Pain Can Be Minimised with a Height Adjustable Desk

According to the American Chiropractic Association, back pain:

  • Is the single leading cause of disability, preventing many people from working or taking part in everyday activities.
  • Is one of the most common contributing factors to missed work. One-half of workers admit to having back pain symptoms each year.
  • Accounts for more millions of lost work days each year – more than two missed days for every employee.
  • Will be experienced by up to 80% of workers at some time in their lives.
  • Can affect people of all ages, from adolescents to the elderly.
  • Is the third most common reason for visits to the doctor, behind skin disorders and osteoarthritis/joint disorders.
  • Cases are mostly mechanical or non-organic – i.e., not caused by serious conditions, such as inflammatory arthritis, infection, fracture or cancer.
  • Recurrence is common and for a small percentage of people the condition it will become chronic and disabling.
  • Has increased by 54% between 1990 and 2015 worldwide.
  • Costs billions in health care each year, without accounting for lost wages and decreased productivity.

Given how prevalent an issue back pain is, it deserves to be taken seriously. Whether you are responsible for a team or you are a sole trader working in front of a computer most of the day, it is important to treat your back, and those of your colleagues with the greatest care and consideration.

Fight Against Bad Posture And Back Pain

When compared with our Homo Sapiens ancestors, it is easy to believe there is a gulf of differentials between us. However, there is absolutely nothing that sets us apart physically. Hunter-gatherers were perfectly suited to wandering long distances in search of nourishment. They spent the vast majority of the day foraging for food, climbing tall trees for fruit, and hunting large game for meat. This constant state of activity is exactly what the human body is suited to. A hunter-gatherer used every muscle in their body just through their regular daily routine; this likely made them specimens of athletic superiority. It is rare that we such well-exercised creatures working in the average office, and when we do, it is likely as a result of a good exercise regime. Given that we share the same physical makeup as our ancestors, it is important to fight against the sedentary nature of spending hours in a desk chair without break. There is no better solution to this than a stand-up desk.

Don’t Risk Your Back Any Longer

If you find you are not spending enough time out of your desk chair, then a home office standing desk could be just what you need. It could save you a lot of back pain and a lot of money. Why not check out our full range of products on our website today? We have something for everyone.

Contact Australia’s Adjustable Height Computer Desk Experts Today!

Buy Direct Online specialises in all things office furniture. We stock a huge range of office chairs, office desks, workstations, computer desks, office tables, office dividers, office storage, reception furniture, and stand-up desks. Browse & buy online today!