Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert
Recently the World Health Organisation has declared a Pandemic due to the events surrounding the Coronavirus (COVD-19) outbreak.
Here at we believe in staying informed, calm and safe during these testing times and this can be achieved with basic preparation.
Why stop the spread of germs?
Below is a simplified graph that shows the potential impact of not taking basic protective measures.
While the reported estimates of mortality seem quite low and the risk to you reading this is likely low, our main objective is not over burdening the medical system. You are not likely to die from it but you are likely to pass it on.
What can you do at the Office?
The optimal solution during a health alert like this one is to stay isolated as much as possible until the pandemic has finished. Governments around the world are enforcing basic rules which will minimize large public gatherings and more.
If you are able to work from home this is the best time do so.
If, however, you find yourself in the same situation as many Australians who can’t you can follow the above steps to minimize the impact the Corona (COVID-19) virus will have.
Lastly, a few more precautions you can take around the office:
- No Handshaking
- Keep your distance where possible
- Cover your mouth when sneezing
- Do not come in if you have any flu-like symptoms
Regular soap or hand sanitizer?
An everyday household item may be one of our greatest weapons against the Coronavirus. Soap is one of the most effective ways of getting rid of Covid-19 you have to wash your hands properly.
An Australian Professor has taken to Twitter to share some handy information regarding this household front liner that will take this health emergency head-on: